Diversity, Inclusion, and Societal Good

I firmly believe that part of my job is to improve my community and society at large. I believe that an academic community is stronger when a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives are represented. I believe that all people should have the opportunity to participate in, contribute to, and enhance the computer science community independent of their race, their gender, their socioeconomic status, the country of their birth, or anything else.

To this end, I participate in several activities. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments about any of them.

Mentoring: I am very proud to work with and mentor (in some small part) several fantastic students. I have also participated in many formal mentoring programs.

Women in Computer Science: I am a strong advocate for increasing the number of women in our field, as well as improving the environment. Diversity and Inclusion: I am involved in other efforts aimed at making computer science more inclusive to all. Research: I also use my research to try and improve societal good, founding and organizing initiatives to facilitate the dissemination of research on these topics (MD4SG, EAAMO), speaking at and participating in conferences and workshops surrounding topics of societal impact (tutorials), and serving on program committees for such events (FORC, GCEC, TCCML, AIES).